This is my sixth fruit box review! My first was on Aussie Farmers Direct, and I was really disappointed. My second was on Organic Angels, which had great produce but was pretty expensive. My third was on Ceres Fair Food, which had great variety in its produce. Fourth was from the earth fruitnveg, who had great variety and great customer service. Fifth was The Organic Empire, which was completely boring.
Next up was Greenline Organic. What irritated me was that the shipping price wasn’t immediately shown on checkout. I don’t feel comfortable giving out my credit card number at the best of times, and then being told that my total is a certain amount after the fact. It could have been $30 delivery for all I knew! Yes, there are guidelines, but it’s not that hard to link a postcode to a shipping charge. It turned out my delivery was free anyway…
A Seasonal FRUIT Box – $45 (first time offer) + delivery ($6.60)
- 4x apples
- 3x pears
- 5x plums
- 3x nashi pears
- 2x kiwi fruit
- 11x bananas
- 5x mandarines
- 1x rockmelon
- 1x bag green grapes
It had a range of days that you could have your produce delivered, and I chose a Thursday, as my last delivery was on a Friday, and I didn’t want to go any days without fruit. It came in a sturdy cardboard box, and the fruit inside was wrapped in paper bags (perfect for bringing your own popcorn to a movie). I also got a bonus fridge magnet 🙂
The good: The bananas and the plums came perfectly ripe and ready to eat. So were the nashi pears. It’s a good thing I wanted fruit, otherwise it might have gone off before I could eat it all.
The bad: The kiwi fruit didn’t seem to ripen.
The ugly: The green grapes had seeds. I hate seeds with a passion. It totally destroyed my desire to eat grapes, and meant that I couldn’t freeze them to put in smoothies.
The final verdict: This is a contender for a long term box, just because of the variety. I’m starting to reach the end of my interest in testing all the boxes, and I think I’m ready to settle down… Stay tuned for an overview post in the near future.
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