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Review: The Organic Empire Organic Fruit Box

This is my fifth fruit box review! My first was on Aussie Farmers Direct, and I was really disappointed. My second was on Organic Angels, which had great produce but was pretty expensive. My third was on Ceres Fair Food, which had great variety in its produce. Fourth was from the earth fruitnveg, who had great variety and great customer service.

Next up was The Organic Empire (it just sounds so fancy, doesn’t it?). Unfortunately, it didn’t prove itself a real ‘Empire’ worth of fruit.

Organic Fruit Box – $48.95 including delivery ($8.95)

  • 8x apples
  • 7x pears
  • 14x bananas
  • 5x oranges
  • 1x bag red grapes

Since I was given an option, I chose to receive no rockmelon and extra bananas instead. I regretted this, because this box seems so boring. The persimmons, nashi pears and lime were way more exciting!

My delivery day was Friday afternoon, and it was placed just inside my doorstep. It came in a styrofoam box, which I wasn’t very comfortable with. It smelt strongly of plastic when I opened it.

The good: The grapes were crispy (a few mouldy, but normal for grapies) and the apples and oranges were fine.

The bad: Unfortunately, the bananas didn’t seem to ripen at all. I had to put two bunches outside in order to get them to ripen, and even then it just wasn’t quite right. The third bunch did not ripen at all, and I had to chuck them out. The pears also failed to ripen significantly within the time frame of 10 days.

The ugly: This fruit box was boring. Very boring. I was totally uninspired to eat it.

The final verdict: Sorry guys. Nothing much wrong with the quality of your produce, but it just wasn’t the variety I expected from the website (which promised me passionfruit and other tasty things).

Published inFoodFrugal

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