Old Goals
1. I aimed to write down exactly what I spent each day.
Nope. I’ve traded to automating payments where possible, and having a monthly view of all incoming and outgoing. I’ll keep you updated.
2. I made a pledge to myself to write something everyday
So far I have written a bunch of reviews, and done one stream of thought writing. It’s not that bad.
New Goals
– finish sanding and painting the doors in half of the house yes!! And I’m about to install the door handles tonight
– change my medications under guidance. I’ve been trialling medications for my new diagnosis of narcolepsy. So far, Ritalin just made me irritable and nutty, but the new stronger one I’m on seems to be making a difference to my sleep needs.
– have air conditioning installed
– install ceiling fans in the two bedrooms yes! Our family sparkie came and did it, and they’re up, but the bases need proper attachment.
– pick tiles for the bathroom renovations I have three tiles sitting in the bathroom, but am yet to choose the specific one.
– go to the gym 4 times a week I made it twice in one week, with the best of intentions, but got sucked down into sleeping.
– start swimming one day a week so far, I haven’t even stepped foot in the pool changing rooms. I did at least pick up my swimmers though
What about you? How are you going?
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