A long long time ago, in a place far, far away… hang on, that’s not right…
A long time ago, while browsing the ‘Explore’ on my Feedly, I discovered a new instructable that looked awesome. Enter the Paper-bag floor.

This idea looked awesome, but at the time I was still tossing up about buying a house, so I put the idea on the backburner. But now that I have a unit!!!
So I did a little more hunting around on the internet and found this guide by Malinda Bills. She’d successfully papered two floors, and was really happy with the look.

However, there was not much mentioned about the ability of this floor to stand up to hard wear. People reported success still 2 years onward. And I thought that this project wouldn’t take too much time and effort (well, maybe some effort), but the worst that could happen would be that it failed miserably, looked awful and I had to put floating floor over the top (what a shame 😉 ).
The next thing on the list was to convert Eli to the idea. We have a house guest staying at the moment, so perhaps it isn’t the best idea to do right now. But I’ll start working on it now, so maybe by the time it’s doable, I might get to test it out!
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