I’ve borrowed this idea from a blogger I follow religiously – Katy at The Non-Consumer Advocate. She posts ‘Five Frugal Things’ pretty darn often, and I’d love to be able to do the same thing. So for this week:
1. I sold another textbook from the discard stack someone had left in Eli’s old room with her parents. I met the girl at the train station, and made $5.
2. Eli and I combined this trip with going to the opshop across the road. We dropped off a bag of things that were just sitting on our living room floor, including some picture frames I have picked up for free, but that they didn’t hang properly on our walls. Instead we bought some new picture frames for our loungeroom (3 for $5).
3. I then saw a fish-tank for $5, and I snapped it up. I’m going to use it to grow plants and snails for when we set up our big tank. I had to promise to give our fish bowl to the opshop next time we visited though.When we went to the aquarium shop however, the plants we looked at were $28!! No way were they following me home. I’ll check the pet shop closer to my parents place, as they always have good fish supplies.
4. I’d been idly looking for something to hang our toothbrushes and the hand-towel in our bathroom. In the $3 box, there was a towel rail that suctioned on, and a water saver shower head. We got both for $5. Once I got the towel rail home however, the suction bits were broken. I think I’m going to get some double sided tape and use that to attach it to the shower screen. Anyone have a better idea? We’re going to be able to see the suction cups inside the shower…
5. We went to the other opshop and found some more picture frames (3 for $3). The bonus was that it was 50% off storewide, and we managed not to buy anything else.
Anyone else doing some things that are frugal this weekend? Op-shopping, garage sales or markets, which takes your fancy?
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