A long way back where Eli and I started dating, she required some new shoes for work. I managed to get her to go shoe shopping (somehow, she hates it), and we got two pairs of great shoes for summer/winter. The boots for winter are still ok…. but the summer heels are getting a bit (a lot) worn.
She loved these shoes to bits! They’re a Novo brand ‘Laiken’, but we got them from DFO and they might have been the last of them. All I can find are those shoes in taupe. I need black.

Does anyone have any idea how to make these a true black, suitable for corporate wear? I can practice on the old shoes to make sure that it doesn’t wreak the finish. Or am I better off taking them to a shoe-person?
I swear, next time I can get her shoe shopping I’m buying two pairs of the same…
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